Our Supporters
Support / Our Supporters
Our Supporters / partners & corporate sponsors
Wingspan recognises that partnerships are vital in achieving our goal. The organisations listed here support our environment – our land - our birds - our people. Together, we support our future.
Allan MacGillivray Photography
AMG Design Website Designers
ANZ Staff Foundation
Bay Trust
Contact Energy Ltd
Donelley Sawmillers
Fish And Game NZ, Eastern Region
Forest Growers Levy Trust
Gattung Foundation
Genera Biosecurity
Ideal Pens
International Wildlife Consultants
Kaingaroa Timberlands
Kestrel Group
Lottery Grant Board NZ
Manulife Investment Management Forest Management
MBIE Tourism Infrastructure Fund
Millennium Hotel Rotorua
New Zealand Forest Owners Association
NZ Community Trust
Patchell Group
Peregrine Wines
Perpetual Guardian Stout Trust
Red Stag Timber
Redwoods Treewalk
Rotorua Lakes Council Te Rakau Tu Pakari Fund
Rotorua NZ
The Phillip Verry Charitable Foundation
APL Property Group
Massey University
Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands
Ornithological Society of New Zealand
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Royal New Zealand Air ForceAcknowledgements
Andrew Warner Photography
Black Stallion Photography
Peter Monk Photography
Rod Mueller Photography
Sabine Bernert Photographer