Wingspan Bird of Prey Centre

Wingspan Bird of Prey Visits

Flight of the Falcon

  • 'Flight of the Falcon'

    Learn all about the threatened kārearea, New Zealand falcon, a species rarer than kiwi and found nowhere else in the world. Find out what Wingspan is doing to restore their populations and advocate for their protection. Witness demonstrations of the age-old and modern-day falconry techniques we use to train and rehabilitate these magnificent birds. We often have other special guests make an appearance too!

    This is a unique experience you won’t find elsewhere in New Zealand and one you won’t soon forget.

    Wingspan visits Flight of the Falcon

    Opening hours

    Opening Hours: Tuesdays - Sundays 11am - 1pm

  • wingspan dot'Flight of the Falcon' starts at 11:30am and runs for about an hour. We recommend the best time to be here is at 11am. Tickets can be purchased onsite (please note payWave is not available).

    wingspan dotMembers and sponsors of the Wingspan programme are complimentary, otherwise fees are $33 per adult, $28 for seniors and just $16 for children (aged 5-15). Unde-fives are free.

    wingspan dotBookings are essential for Meet & Greets and for groups of 10 or more people.
    Bookings are recommended for those with poor mobility or who require special accommodations.
    Email: or
    Call 07 357 4469 to book.

    Flight of the Falcon and Behind-The-Scenes experiences.

  • wingspan dotWhy not upgrade your visit to include a Meet & Greet and experience, a close encounter with a ruru, falcon or barn owl?  Following the 'Flight of the Falcon' display, you can see where our beautiful birds call home by checking out the development progress of our new display aviaries.

    wingspan dotA small museum and retail section is available - proceeds of these sales contribute directly to the Wingspan conservation programme. Donations are always welcome.

    wingspan dot'Flight of the Falcon' is an outdoor activity and as such is weather dependent. In the event of heavy rain or high winds the usual outdoor display may be cancelled and an alternative indoor experience offered.

    wingspan dotWe recommend wearing weather appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear.

    wingspan dotN.B. Outside of the 'Flight of the Falcon' & ‘Meet & Greet’ experiences, the centre is closed to visitors due to ongoing development of the new Bird of Prey Centre.
    Check our Our New Journey for more info!

    During this development there are multiple hazards, so all visitors must follow signage and staff instructions. With uneven surfaces, the site is not yet suitable for wheelchairs. We are unable to offer refreshments or eating facilities. Two toilets are available in the car park for your convenience.

    By visiting Wingspan, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Entry.

  • For further enquiries please contact Wingspan:


    phone: 07-357-4469

    enquiries + map →